Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 1...again

OK, so day 1 is behind me, and man, am I sore!!  But it's a good kind of sore.  I knew I had lost some of what I had accomplished after being gone for so long, but I didn't realize how much till last night's workout.  The lowest box had me winded a bit after 10 box jumps.  My dips were laughable, and I am not even gonna start on the snatch balance.  At least I know there is only room for improvement!  
I won't make tonight's sore to function, but I will be there tomorrow!
Now after watching the final 4 contestants on the Biggest Loser run a marathon, I am a little more pumped about maybe starting up some sort of running schedule.  Maybe this weekend???

So here is the workout result:
L-sit test 
Max time x 3 
1st set,  3 seconds with legs straight
2nd set, 40 seconds with knees bent
3rd set, 1 second with legs straight

4 rounds
Max rep pull-ups
20 Burpees
Rest 2:00 between rounds
I used the green band for pull ups and the burpees were scaled back to 10 for me :)
pull ups:  15-15-10-10
(I finally got the little kick down during the 2nd round)

GHD sit-ups 3x20
2 sets of 10 GHD and a set of 10 on the ground.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Back to the grind...

Well, after being sick for 2 weeks, out of town for 1 week, and then sick again for a week, I am finally ready to get back to work at the box.  It feels like I am starting over...again!  L-sits, Burpees, and pull-ups, here I come!  But I am committed to having a bikini body this summer!  

Now if only I can convince myself to start running...